ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2023
Entry 14th December 2023: Post 1: Amiga Rocket Ranger - With German operating instructions.
Amiga Rocket Ranger - With German operating instructions.
I was convinced I had featured this game on the blog previously
but sadly I was unable to track it down. Anyway, I guess it never
hurts to have another go.
I haven't played the game, and probably never will. That is no
reflection on the game but with so many waiting in the wings I
just don't have the time to give the game a proper view over.
From the looks of it and from what I have read I sense this is
an 'Odeon Cinema Club' type frolic involving world domination by
the Nazis and our hero not only wanting to save the day but also
prevent the love of his life being kidnapped and incarcerated to
please some evil leader. Kinda Flash Gordon but with a rocket on
his back. Interestingly 'Jane' is the name of the World War II
glamour secret agent, that took on the Nazis in the comic strip,
and was played by Glynis Barber in the TV version. She somehow
always seemed to lose most of her clothes throughout the strip.
No pun intended.
Back to the game and this was developed by Cinemaware and was
distributed by MIRROR Soft in 1988 by the looks of it. Came on
a couple of disks and from the cassette inlay. I am guessing this
was also released on the 'wind-up' consoles also.
Works on a 500, 1000 and 2000 but needs the full 512K memory. It
also benefits if an external floppy drive is fitted.
Like I say Rocket Ranger has to stop the Nazi war machine from
taking over the world. To do this you have to find/steal five
rocket parts randomly placed around the map so you can search
and obtain Lunarium.
The game credits computography by Peter Kaminski with additional
computerthingy by Tom McWilliams. The story was by Randy Platt.
Art direction Robert Jacob and graphics artist Rob Landeros.
Inside the box is a code wheel. You basically spin to correlate
two location and then read off the secret number. Or you could
use the printed version by Quartex and Task dated 25th Dec 1999
which gives you all the various codes. Beware though there is a
hand written note that says USA is wrong.
Anyway if you are tempted to review further and fancy a trip back
to 1940 then pop over to YouTube there are a few reviews there.
* The Flash Gordon comment relates to a common theme in hero films
of the 'Odeon Cinema Club' area, where the hero loses his love to
the villain of the film. In Flash Gordon his love Dale Arden is
forced to marry Ming the Merciless. Kinda harps back to Robin Hood
and Maid Marian who was best played by Errol Flynn and Olivia de
Havilland. Just watch Alan Rickman in Prince of Thieves and listen
to Bryan Adams .. Everything I do. I'm going now.
Amiga Rocket Ranger - With German operating instructions.

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Last updated 14th December 2023
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