ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2023
Entry 16th December 2023: Post 1: Amiga gamepad - Action PadAM - Logic 3.
Amiga gamepad - Action PadAM - Logic 3.
Just a quick reference tonight in respect of an Amiga gamepad. I
have featured this pad before but it seems to get lost in other
blogs, and like so many things on this site, I have great difficulty
finding the thing so I can reference the pictures.
I cannot recall where the gamepad came from though I do recall
buying a gamepad from EPIC some time at the beginning of the 2000s.
There is no technical details with the Action PadAM so what is says
on the box will have to do.
Semi auto and hands free autofire selection.
Eight directional digital output.
Individual autofire control.
Add to that made in China by Logic 3.
I have two of these controllers and the one I have unboxed in the
workshop is a little whiter. Both are in pretty good condition and
do the job.
My preference is for the SGProPad though I tend to use the Konix
Speedking joystick for general use cus I sense if this thing ever
was involved in an aeroplane crash it along with the black box is
likely to be the only things to survive. I have a number of the
Speedkings and they are so durable, lightweight and easy to use.
Personally I would always use a gamepad but given the rarity of the
good ones I tend to have them stored for safe keeping. Rather silly.
Amiga gamepad - Action PadAM - Logic 3.

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Last updated 16th December 2023
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