ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2024
Entry 7th December 2024: Post 1: Amiga Comforter - Dreamweb and Valhalla.
Amiga Comforter - Dreamweb and Valhalla.
All I seem to do these days is either listen to the drone of wind
and rain buffeting the house or fear for summers wrath under the
gaze of the death star. I have to say when it comes to weather it
really has become a most annoying and troubling time. I do recall
when we had real seasons, ones of moderate climate. Of gentle rain,
bright chilly Novembers with golden falling leaves. Of summers
with moderate heat and gentle breeze, of white sheets of snow and
blue sky that were not about to burn a hole in my head. These
days I sense there is a tap left on somewhere in the sky for this
is not rain it is simply a torrent of water. My poor house cannot
cope with the deluge as rainwater gutters spew out overflowing
water to a sodden garden. And tonight we have the wind again and
yet another storm by name. I think if I get a choice next time of
destination I may just give Vulcan a try. Earth is OK but the
weather is **it.
So on nights like these I remember times when the Amiga offered
great comfort at Christmas. Two games come to mind that I truly
loved over Christmas. Valhalla and Dreamweb. Both discovered and
played on cover disk and then purchased for the full deal. These
for me offered great comfort at a time when life itself was all
I troubled my thoughts upon. I couldn't even tell you what the
weather was doing. I just simply lost myself in a darkened room
buried in the Dreamweb and the Lord of Valhalla.
So maybe try the games if you haven't this Christmas and forget
the bad weather.
Happy days.
Amiga Comforter - Dreamweb and Valhalla.
Interspread - DemoMianiac and Dreamweb
Elfmania and Valhalla

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Last updated 7th December 2024
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2024