ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2020
Entry 13th February 2020: Post 01: Elvira - Personal Nightmare.
Elvira - Personal Nightmare.
.. so what has this got to do with Tomb Raider. I'll circle back
to that in a while.
This game was supposed to be the first in the Elvira series and
man was I looking forward to Elvira's sharp whit and sarcastic
tone as she uncovers horrors for what always is a fun packed
game. Or not, as in this case.
The game starts with this guy in a church being possessed by
the devil who evidently goes on to possess others and your job
is to rescue them. Sadly though Elvira is not on hand to dish
out her brand of raw sexual whit. Why she was featured on the
game box and in the opening screen I will never know. She has
zero to do with the game... what so ever.
For me I played like ten or fifteen minutes walking around
looking at blank walls and half open doors. Nothing was in any
way interesting or moved me to want to carry on playing. So I
didn't. Bummer.
This game was released in 1989 by Horror Soft and published by
Accolade for the Amiga, ST and DOS. Designed by Keith Wadhams
with artwork by Teoman Irmak.
OK.. just a word on Horror Soft and Adventure Soft. The Horror
Soft label was created by Adventure Soft of Sutton Coldfield in
Birmingham UK to publish multimedia horror titles like Elvira's
Horror Pack, Waxworks, Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus, Elvira
the Arcade Game and Elvira a Personal Nightmare.
Simon the Sorcerer was a release by Adventure Soft with the
main character voiced by Chris Barrie of Red Dwarf fame playing
Arnold Rimmer. He also featured in ' wait for it ', Tomb Raider
with Angelina Jolie as her butler. Interestingly Adventure Soft
also released The Feeble Files which featured the voice of none
other than Robert Llewellyn who played Kryten in Red Dwarf.
If it wasn't for the tenuous links to Red Dwarf and Lara Croft this
would have been a very short blog today.
I have run out of Elvira games to collect so may just start to
acquire her comic collection. She also has a book available.
Elvira - Personal Nightmare.