

ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2021

Entry 13th February 2021: Post 1: AUI - Colonial Conquest II.

AUI - Colonial Conquest II.

Someone recently requested a copy of Colonial Conquest II in ADF
format. So I dragged out my Jan 95 copy of Amiga User International
and ADF blitzed the game which came on SuperDisk No.50. To extract
the game from the disk I booted from the accompanying SuperDisk 49
and then created a fresh floppy of the game. I then used the very
wonderful ADFBlitzer to create the ADF file and copied this to a
PC formatted ZIP disk utilising CrossDOS and my own mountfile. I
then hotfooted over to the PC I have with the ZIP drive and then
copied that to USB and back to this computer. And below is the ADF
copy of the game in a ZIP file which you need to simply extract.


Having tried the game on the Amiga 1200 I fired up the emulator on
the PC and played the game without any problem. However, if I first
booted into the Workbench of the 1200 and then clicked the icon the
game did not run. It needs to boot from the disk. So open your
configuration for the 1200 but don't start it. And then go to floppy
disks and find the CAR_CII.ADF file and simply start the emulator
from the floppy disk and it will work fine.

The game is Colonization in space. Has the feel of a crude version
of Stars for the PC which is Eve Online without the Online stuff.
More Elite than Colonization. Looks like it takes a lot of time.

Just a word about AUI. The magazine was not a favourite of mine I
have to say. When you are packed next to the magazine shelves and
haven't got your reading glasses its very difficult reading what
is on the cover disks. And green and purple and sometimes yellow
lettering... impossible to read at distance. When I did buy the
mag it generally had a lot of stuff on disk I didn't need. The
features were a bit light and low on serious content. It never
really improved for me. I do have a generous amount of magazines
but I don't think I pull them that often.

I did photograph a clutch of magazines for reference to those
cover disk images. I also photographed what for me were the
highlights of the Jan 95 edition. If you want full size images of
the pages then hop over to the Magazine Rack of EAB. Select Amiga
User International and a blank search gives you all they have. I
have most disks but not all the magazines.

The game was created using AMOS by Christian Mumenthaler 1994.

The ADF file is in this ZIP file

Colonial Conquest II ZIP

By Christian Mumenthaler 1994 using AMOS.

AUI - Colonial Conquest II.

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Last updated 13th February 2021

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