

ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2022

Entry 2nd February 2022: Post 1: TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer.

TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer.
Just a quick blog today as I was on gardening duties sadly. The
featured computer is a TRS-80 and a portable no less from 1983.
That's 39 years in real money.

OK first up Radio Shack. The electrical stores famous for DIY
hobby style products were situated in most major towns and cities.
They were very useful for anything electrical related and the
guys that worked there just loved to chat and were most helpful.
For me though, I never really treated their own brand of kit
seriously. My dad would say if you can't afford the proper stuff
you could always buy something from Tandy. My Realistic amp was
from Tandy and it was very very good. Along with the speakers I
bought for the Amiga 1200. For the most part though I used the
store for switches and cable connectors etc.

So when it comes to their brand of computers, I never really
gave them any consideration. Shame really cus they were actually
very good machines. The most common line was the TRS-80 which
came in many flavours, as can be shown from the images at the
base of this blog. Today's little beauty is the TRS-80 Model 100

Last time I featured this computer I managed to get a spelling
mistake. I had accidentally activated the number pad button which
activates a series of buttons to the centre of the keyboard to
work as numbers. The computer uses an LED which is a pig to take
pictures of. This time I managed to get the spelling correct.

The purpose of my activity is to check battery driven machines
to ensure that I haven't left any batteries in the computer and
to check they are still working. The TRS-80 was fine. One point
of warning if you leave batteries in the computer, and that is
to switch off the memory store facility.

The computer comes complete with a few applications on ROM like
a text editor, scheduler, Telcom, addresser and BASIC. The unit
has a full size keyboard, eight programmable function keys, ports
for printer and cassette and even a bar code reader [ extra ].
RAM can be 8K or 24K which can be expanded using an upgrade kit.
All in all a pretty boring computer with limited display but
which functions perfectly with very helpful applications. Very
much reflecting the Tandy shops of old. Sorry for that.

Anyhoo she was fine. I do have another somewhere which I forget
where I put it. Not unusual here if you saw the stacks of tubs
full of computers littering the place. I have been searching for
a Dk'Tronics Spectrum clone all week... I've given up.

Just as an aside if you do decide to upgrade your TRS-80 you are
advised that it has to be done by a qualified Radio Shack service
technician. Good luck finding one.

Back to my bloody Buddleias.

Sorry I couldn't resist ...Heading down the Atlanta Highway ..
[ Sorry if you hit the Google adverts ... ]

TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer.

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Last updated 2nd February 2022

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