ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2022
Entry 18th February 2022: Post 1: Vulcan Software - The World of Paul Carrington.
Vulcan Software - The World of Paul Carrington.
Time was when you not only could play your favourite Amiga games,
but also log into various Amiga user groups to enjoy a laugh and
a joke online. Many was the night I would venture onto sites like
THE CRYPT and split my sides at their jolly japes. Amongst the
clan was the very famous Paul Carrington who single handedly had
maintained interest in Amiga gaming during the nineties. Paul
himself had one of the best online groups called the Vulcan Portal.
This was a very atmospheric steam punk world where your voice was
as important as your word. The site followed very much on from
the theme of the Valhalla games.
I have hunted high and low for images of the portal and today
tracked a whole bag of stuff down from my very own repository.
I do hope that I haven't infringed any rights by throwing a few
onto a picture which I feature today. The Vulcan Portal was a
Hellboy style underworld where Amigans gathered in darkened
corners and planned the demise of Apple and Microsoft... kinda.
It was multilayered and seriously had a style and feel found
not anywhere on the web. Paul Carrington is a genius who has
been sadly hindered by the Amiga, given that his challenges
were always a task of swimming up stream. This guy should have
been much much more widely known, and his portal was way ahead
of its time.
Anyhoo, imagine my joy when reading his site that sometime in
2022 he will be back with two ventures. You can read about them
on the link below. Be advised that there is a thin line between
addiction and madness. A dangerous concoction that provides a
quite distinct theme and vocabulary. There is no mistaking Paul's
own personal brand of madness. It is pure genius fed by an
imagination that is simply insane and pulsating with his own
brand of addiction. He can not fail to impress cus his talent
is more than a passing interest. The spirit of Paul's ideas flow
through everything he does giving it a quite distinct life.
Click here for Vulcan Software
Be advised that the Vulcan Portal site has vanished from my radar.
Vulcan Software - The World of Paul Carrington.
Vulcan and The MiniSeries
Vulcanology the Amiga CD