ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2024
Entry 7th February 2024: Post 1: Amiga Megaball - Shareware breakout game 1991.
Amiga Megaball - Shareware breakout game 1991.
There was a recent question on a well known miggy forum about the
first version of Megaball for the Amiga. Turns out the version in
question was the second version as the first was simply called Ball.
Having done a search for the game in my own archive I appeared to
have three copies of the game. Two from Anglia and the third from
Public Domain Nationwide. Only two were the 1991 version.
Interestingly the game can be opened and used from the Workbench.
By not booting from the disk you lose the original fonts, but that
appears to be the only difference.
The game is shareware so if you enjoy the game you should send
some cash to Ed Mackey who created the game.
For those not familiar with a 'breakout' style game you simply have
a paddle and ball and aim to destroy the contents of the shape
above you. Quite straightforward though very addictive. One of
those games you keep saying you are just going to have one more go.
I managed to get to the second board. Man was that tricky and a
touch annoying.
If you have played this type of game you probably have played the
very wonderful Arkanoid.
Anyhoo I include a ZIP file containing the game in ADF format.
ZIP file containing ADF copy of Megaball.
Amiga Megaball - Shareware breakout game 1991.

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Last updated 7th February 2024
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