

ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2025

Entry 11th February 2025: Post 1: Amiga Heaven - Tucked away in the workshop.

Amiga Heaven - Tucked away in the workshop.

Spent a few days in the workshop tucked away with my circle of
Amiga buddies. When it gets warm in there you really don't want
to leave. Twas a touch cold the first morning and the A4000 was
thumping as the fan tried to remedy a cold fan wheel. Was soon
running fine.

I have been tracking down my backups of the XT drive on the A500
A590 as I was sure I had an old drive config on a 1.3 startup. I
must have been imagining things cus there was no such thing. Not
even on the GVP.

The process of booting from the sidecar is all dealt with by the
actual sidecar and must be activated out of the ROM. Cus nothing
in the startup calls on the sidecar. Amazing really. It just knows
what to do and looks to the sidecar for the Workbench. That switch
and DIP telling the A500 to boot from the sidecar is all you need.

I did find the full back-up and quickly connected my Parnet to the
adjacent A1200 and transferred to ZIP and to the USB and now in the
repository. Not sure why it wasn't there.

I then spent a good while with the archive on the A4000 and having
a blast with demo and PD stuff. I am so lucky to have such a wealth
of disks on tap. It never gets dull.

Back to the Win7 room and watching Steam Punk videos all night. I
do find them fascinating....

Try this for a bit of Victorian Steampunk

Anyhoo I also sorted out a few floppy drives from my shelf of
spare units. I have to replace the one in the disk room cus I
transferred the one that was in there to here. Kinda tricky using
and Amiga 500 without an external floppy drive.

Not sure what I am doing tomorrow. What day is this anyway ?

Amiga Heaven - Tucked away in the workshop.

Previously on scuzzblog

Thought you might like to see my floppy.. who er !!

Previously scuzzblog: Power XL Drive - Recognising the larger drive.

Previously scuzzblog: Power XL Drive - Troubleshooting problems.

Previously on scuzzblog: I found GOLEM

previously on scuzzblog: Floppy Drives - The external slim.

previously on scuzzblog: Amigas in the round.

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Last updated 11th February 2025

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