Not pretty but does the job.
They replaced the Video DAC dodgy capacitor
The upper case has gone completely yellow.
The backdrop colours are cyan light blue.
The borders are the same colour as the Amiga.
Good to see Clara's floppy is working.
The palette is set with a cyan background.
Nice and grey without the light on in the room.
With the light on the screen appears slightly blue.
A massive 20MB hard drive... That's MB not GB.
Poor thing is so slow.
Seriously, couldn't have used worse fonts.
The screen on the right is grey trust me.
previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 - Aging gracefully Part I
previously on scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 - Aging gracefully Part II
ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2025
Entry 14th February 2025: Post 1: A1200 high tech updates - Two budgies and a pineapple chunk.
A1200 high tech updates - Two budgies and a pineapple chunk.
Having spent a few days with a dodgy DAC cap I was reminded of a
particularly well yellowed A1200 I have that has a wonderful blue
tint. I know it is most likely to be the product of a gaudy colour
palette, but all the same let me check it out.
This A1200 is a Rev 2B motherboard and the last revision if I recall.
She has mellowed very yellow over the years and suffered more than
most from an overzealous fire protective coating. Doesn't bother
me as I just think it gives the computer character.
The hard drive is a massive 20mb and was sticking again. I just
leave for a while and reboot a few times and she was good as gold.
I seem to recall the floppy being dodgy last time. Maybe I swapped
it out in my sleep cus it was working like a charm.
The desktop colour palette and choice of fonts is dreadful, but
that was how she was set up when she arrived, so she stays that way.
I swiftly rebooted off a Workbench 2.05 disk and sure enough the
screen reverted to its grey colour. The pics may look like they
have a slight blue tint, but that's the camera I'm afraid. Kinda
pleasing there is no hint of a tint.
Inside the machine I noted from my old pictures that with Rev. 2B
Commodore swapped out the dodgy capacitor for a chunk of pineapple.
Also the board benefits from Budgie updates. Rev 2B (Both budgie
Rev -01 and Rev-02 were used. Resistor 118 was changed from 470Ohm
to 220Ohm). And the rubber band to the cradle was replaced with
some heavy duty string.
I did try to play Worms but I needed the manual for the codes. (Nutta!)
This is a stock 020 Amiga 1200 with only the yellowing to show for
its years. She has been with me for over twenty years and always
gives me a lift when I boot her up. Happy little beast.
Happy days.
A1200 high tech updates - Two budgies and a pineapple chunk.
on the right in the pic with a pineapple chunk
and edged in yellow. With a large red pointer.
I have to use a portrait setting on the camera to
kill the flicker and it changes the image colour
very slightly. And worse with the lamp on. I would
normally use a white light which works better.
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Last updated 14th February 2025
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