

ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2025

Entry 28th February 2025: Post 1: Loss of Win7 - Knocked me for six.

Loss of Win7 - Knocked me for six.

I have to say that even though I have been conscious of the Win7's
impending retirement I hadn't realised it would impact on me so
much. The HP Win7 machine has been simply the best computer I have
aver owned. She arrived here in February 2011 and other than having
two NVIDIA graphics card failures the machine has worked without
fault. I do not recall 'ever' and I mean ever, her locking up or
becoming unresponsive. I seriously love this computer. Win7 for me
represents the end of the line for classic Windows OSs. The current
crap that is Win10/Win11 is just that 'CRAP'. I need not elaborate.
Sadly the closed off world of the Apple and the incomprehensible,
to me , Linux, makes my future computing activities tortuous.

So what happened ?

This machine has been operating here every day since Feb 2011. To
say she has been hammered is an understatement. She holds all my
Amiga reference files, the website, my image and video manipulation
software and ThumbsPlus... the greatest image browser ever made.

Sadly at the start of the year the monitor began to fail due to
low temperature. I have to warm the monitor to get the cap to kick
over and switch on. That can take a while, but the monitor and the
computer have been partner for fourteen years.

Next when I switch the Win7 machine on the hard drive goes in a
spin, twice. First to boot and that can take several minutes to
clear. Next though when I fire up Google the hard drive goes into
max read state for like fifteen minutes plus and on completion
eats away a part of the remaining drive space and just keeps nibbling
what is left. I had around 25GB free and over the last few months
have deleted nearly everything from the drive other than the OS. But
the march to finally burning out the drive goes on relentless.

Software is failing. Thunderbird does not now send mail. It also
goes into a spin and the drive goes bonkers. Browsing has become a
near impossibility with YouTube taking several minutes to clear. I
have deleted as much as I can, but the Roaming folder does not get
any bigger so the drive destruction is from a validation process
that runs on boot, and moves the good stuff out of the bad regions
and then marks the bad zones unusable. Classic hard drive failure.

This week I learned that the guy that made ThumbsPlus has died and
the makers have withdrawn the software. I have the software but I
cannot get a validation code.

My version of Photoshop that cost me over five hundred quid won't
work on crappy Win10 I have to pay a new monthly sum. Whoopeedoo.
I have tried a few alternatives but they are all 'sh*t'.

So what have I been doing. I have been recovering 2TB of files and
data mapping their structure and file organisation. I have made
multiple copies and have probably the drive backed up at least four
times. I do have a flash drive with the OS on plus a back up set
of Win7 disks, but MS would still need to validate the OS. Not
gonna happen.

To add further salt Win 10 kicks over this year and MS have already
told me the 2017 DeLL computer I have will not support the new OS.

Sadly the days of the Win7 machine are limited and she hasn't got
much time. I am forced to take her offline, and without my camera
image editing software and file manager I am going to have to put
the website on hold. Sorry about that.

This last few weeks have been very hard for me. It has made me
realise just how reliant I have become on my Win7 computer, a bond
that lasted for 14 years. Some would say get over it and move on.
I agree, sadly its the moving on that I struggle with. I don't do
mobile phones at all, I have no idea how apps work, I haven't the
first clue about synchronising devices and to cap it all off I am
getting ancient myself. Some ten or twenty years ago I may have
been willing to educate myself about the new ways but it all feels
its a bit late for me now. I like my computing safe and generally
offline. I just don't trust MicroSoft, Google or Apple enough to
trust them with my world. I close the doors and all the new stuff
just wants open house. Everything these days wants active links.

Anyhoo as I am known to say....

I am minded to take a break. I have renewed the website for another
twelve months. I may venture back when I have calmed down. but for
now I am spending more time offline and in my own world where I am
in control and out of harms way. It is easy for those that are up
with things to just move on, but I truly hadn't anticipated a day
without this wonderful Win7 machine. Watching her slowly die is
truly heartbreaking. I wish it were different.

That's that then. Was good while it lasted, but for now I'm taking a
break. For how long I have no idea. I have all that I need here to
keep me happy, just not going to be sharing in the days blogs.

Look after yourself.

Loss of Win7 - Knocked me for six.

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Last updated 28th February 2025

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