Not sure I appreciated the coloured in
Amiga, but hey everyone to their own
And so another Amiga 500 with a switch
Battery alert... Always the same state
So where are those wires going ?
What the .... ???
I have no idea
Why lift GARY ?
And sticky goo everywhere
I guess there is some logic to this
'I've been slimed.. I feel so funky'
[ Ghostbusters ]
Well if you know why.. Answers on a postcard
The wires do eventually go to
the switch on the case
The guy stuck every chip down
Its all over the board
Power Computing
That's a masterpiece.. Or something
So strange to me
Time to get rid of this
No Plus and no ROM switcher
Odd thing is that with the board
switch up I get 1210608 memory. With
the switch down I get 1210784 memory
But with the board removed get 1935600
How crazy is that... ? Som'ats wrong
Anyway as long as I can play
Space Invaders why should I care
The switch don't really do anything