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ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2018

Entry 20th January 2018: Post: 3

Amiga A3000UX Not running Amix - Always hope

This has been a restoration project for over ten years now. Started
when I acquired an Amiga 3000UX case and busted motherboard. I have
slowly pieced together most of the pieces but sadly have been unable
to track down a suitable tape drive for the machine. Seems you need
an Amiga 3070. So rare. Anyway she just sits there in hope.

I acquired a replacement motherboard for her from the States and I
was gifted the OS and tapes from a generous Amigan. I could put the
computer back together I guess. Just wish I had the tape drive.

The A3000 motherboard

Replacement in the wings

Amiga UNIX SystemV Release 4-Box

Amiga UNIX SystemV Release 4-Box

Amiga UNIX SystemV Release 4-Contents

Amiga UNIX SystemV Release 4-Contents

Amiga UNIX SystemV Release 4-Books

Amiga UNIX SystemV Release 4-Updates

Installing Amiga UNIX

Working Together - Amiga UNIX and AmigaDOS

Installation Tape ( which is the problem )

Amiga UNIX Version 2 Addendum

Using Amiga UNIX

Learning Amiga UNIX

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Last updated 28/01/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018