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ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2018

Entry 21st January 2018: Post: 2

Amiga A4000/040 or Lara

This machine I know very well. Over the years of use I pretty much 
dumped every copy of anything that I ever retrieved or salvaged 
onto her hard drive. The computer became known as Lara for the
various tombs and vaults of information kept here. Sadly most was
just dumped , and although kinda organised, the computer became
a bit of a rabbit hole in itself. 

What is also apparent from todays photo session, it is a bit of a 
tomb raid just getting to the Amiga main board so I can check
the battery. Suffice to say I got there in the end and decided to
remove the little blighter.

So I present an Amiga A4000d 040 with loads of sturffffff !

I had to use the Microvitec as the
screen mode wasn't supported off the scart

Decided to plug in a PC monitor .. and
a big hello to Lara Croft

Technical rabbit hole - Paris - System
Everything else - Paris scuzz
Seriously I have spent more than
one night in Paris I can tell you

In the end I shunted everything onto the tower

So say goodbye to Lara. What a good girl

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Last updated 21/01/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018