ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2018
Entry 27th January 2018: Post: 1
Ishar - The solution
I am in the process of putting loads of stuff away and tidying up
after my frantic year photographing the collection. Hadn't really
intended it to be such a marathon task but it turned out that way.
Anyway, whilst putting various games and disk boxes away I came
across my notes and guides for Ishar and I decided to scan a few in.
I did follow the series of guides from the magazines but sometimes
I couldn't wait a month for the next edition. I recall there was a
help line to certain games. Not sure about Ishar.
The first guide came out in a booklet style whereas the second was
a printed loose document. I can't find an Ishar 3 booklet so I am
guessing there wasn't a booklet.
Last of the last almost for a while as I get my world back to some
sense of abnormality. Shame to see a lot of the things finally back
in the boxes. No doubt have them out again in time. But I need the
space and life does have other challenges.
My aim now is to link the main index with the site pages and images
to supplement the main body of the site. Will take a while so I
doubt there will be much blog activity during this period.
And so to Ishar .. the solutions to II and III.
This was the guide I printed off larger
when playing in the dark with smaller
notes on tips to play the stages
Got a date with a ghost
Thinks that's me done for a while