Amiga 500 - Will not be number 6
My A500Plus graveyard.
Five very sad A500Plus motherboards.
The A500+ motherboard.
Memory chips.
2.04 ROM.. Half moon at the top.
68000 CPU half moon at the bottom.
The very Fat Agnus.
DENISE handles graphics.
Odd CIA for serial, parallel, joystick & mouse ports.
Even CIA for serial, parallel, joystick & mouse ports.
Nasty gunge.. not by Commodore.
GARY or gate array chip.
PAULA Amiga's native audio plus floppy control.
U15 may be causing the mouse issue.
Battery killer on the A500Plus.
Always check for corrosion at U12
and U13 and the expansion pins. Also
GARY tends to take a hammering.
Note the white residue everywhere.
Corrosion on those pins and the socket will be shot.
Spot the green to chip pins.
I numbered the five boards with
the main board killer faults.
The battery damage isn't too bad here.
Missing socket seat from ROM chip.
Missing pins from AGNUS socket.
Missing socket pin receivers from ROM.
Missing and corroded pins to AGNUS.
Battery plague.
Corrosion to GARY.
Chip removed and socket is shot.
Sadly my latest victim .
Pin socket close up. May still work.
Assembled spare chips ready for usage.
Problem with 500 as the lights are solid
and I have no floppy working.
Replaced GARY and hooked up a 2000 floppy.
May look a bit odd but did the trick.
OK so we have a working Amiga 500.
Sadly still have the problem with the mouse.
So I set too swapping out all the chips.
DENISE was the last to get changed.
I also upgraded to ECS using A500Plus chips.
AND SHE WORKS... It was DENISE all along.
Boots no problem.
Reconnected the RAM card.
And salvaged an old floppy drive.
The joy of putting the computer back together again.
Just the trapdoor to go.
And a scribbled note to say what I did.
Named the computer DENISE.
Power up and disk at the ready
And there she goes.. WHOO HOOO !!!
All working and no stuttering mouse.
And I upgraded to ECS. Such a clever girl.
Expanded chip memory.
And the keyboard was working just fine.
So DENISE did not become number 6.
I never doubted it for one minute