ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2020Entry 16th January 2020: Post 01: Windows 7 - The saddest of days.Windows 7 - The saddest of days. I have edited this post cus I did get a bit angry .. but hey. It is not my intention here to insult and annoy anyone that loves their MS or Apple. So if you are easily offended I would simply close the blog. This is my view based on my experience of using the various platforms. Been here before on a number of occasions. Being forced out of using an OS cus the makers pull the plug on support. I don't get too phased, but I do reflect on the amount of money Microsoft make and their total disrespect for poor old users like me that really hate their current junk and so have to run the gauntlet with security issues. I had all the prompts last year and the free offers of upgrades but I ignored them all. I do have a Win10 machine sitting here from the good folk of DeLL. Cost me around £850 brand new but the day I switched it on I just switched it off and spent a good sum of money repairing my Win7 machine. Turned out to be a burnt out GPU. I just had to do something. Win10 is crap. Utter garbage. The world of computing was destroyed by '**cking' Apple and bloody mobile phone users. The wonderful world of ' real ' computing was sacrificed at the cold hands of ibollocks and every crap product to come out of Apple Macinshite. MS ran scared and did what they always do ... thought they could buy into the technology without giving a thought to what it meant to their customer base. Started with Vista, until some guy obviously got through to the powers at be that they were destroying their user base. Sadly that gave Apple the 'steamy windows' chance to creep in and seduce users with icrap. I really don't care what mobile phone users do with their **cking phones. I really couldn't give a **it. Seriously go have a blast with social media farming and bull**it Fartbook. Your life, you spout out as much about yourself, and share all you like. For me though I need file management, task bars, notepad, text editors etc and most importantly an OS that leaves me alone. I don't need to know about the bloody weather, the news, the latest stock prices. I don't use social media or fartbook and pin-incest or fartogram. I detest and hate the things. I keep my computing as simple as possible. Login, check my mail and then do what I want to do without internet intrusions. Norton keeps me safe and I can use all my beloved software. I play my games. I use Windows Explorer, Notepad and Paint. That's about it. File management is via Thumbs and artwork I use Photoshop and Avidemux. I like YouTube but hate Google. I also like Ebay. My world in a nutshell.... and I play games. Mostly now back on the PS3 cus MMOs just got so bloody boring. And so to my gripe. I have Win7 running perfectly. It works without fault. It has been a dream. Someone at MS finally got it right. But sadly now they want to pull the plug on life support. So I am biding my time till Norton remove their support. I refuse to use free-bee virus checkers and Macafuk is crap. I have it on the Win10 machine. So my poor Win7 machine, my last in the blood line of 'real' computers sits helpless waiting for the kill switch. At times like this I **cking hate you Microsoft. I hate Apple even more with their ibollocks. Sadly mobile phones destroyed the printed word, real shops, real human interaction and finally real computers. The world gets what it deserves so like when Venkman asks what happens when the power is switched off from the ghost prison, there is a simple gesture of 'boom'. I am not saying that the mobile phones will destroy the planet in a big 'boom'... but what I do predict is just what I said ... ' You get the world you deserve '. For me I have been fortunate to have lived in a world that was much much better. Way more rich and less hypocritical, less abusive and more compassionate about real, red blooded human beings. In time there will be a realisation that you cannot keep spouting endless bollocks in the vein hope that someone, anyone is listening. Cus in the end the words just all merge into one inaudible load of nonsense that nobody can hear. And that is when a very very important statement that could have changed everything for the better will be drowned out by the empty barrels. Too much. Anyhoo... not your problem. My problem. I stay with Win7 till I can no longer survive and then may even pull the plug on the internet all together. Totally doable. I have enough data to last out the years of my life. A gazillion times over. I have a very deep rabbit hole. So funny. Up yours Microsoft. OK with that said. Where was I ? Windows 7 - The saddest of days.
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Last updated 16th January 2020
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020