

ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2022

Entry 17th January 2022: Post 1: Trojan Amiga Lightpen and Kwikdraw.

Trojan Amiga Lightpen and Kwikdraw.
The Trojan Lightpen first appeared here as a C64 tool. I assume
this to be the same company of Trojan Products Swansea, or as for
the Amiga version LLanelli Dyfed. I have to say that the C64 pen
is actually more of a pen than the Amiga 'carpenters pencil'. In
truth neither interest me as I always found drawing with a real
pen and pencil much quicker and then digitise the image into the
computer. I can appreciate why on the C64 it was somewhat easier
to use a lightpen.

My interest today wasn't so much about the pen itself but more
about me backing up the software. Imagine my surprise when I
discovered that both disks of software were actual versions of
the Amiga Workbench. The original WB disks had been tweaked to
provide space for the Kwikdraw software. I appreciate that many
product disks used a version of Workbench to boot into their
software , but these disks are pretty much actual Workbench disks.

I wonder how much trouble I would get into uploading these to the
website specifying that they are for the lightpen knowing that in
truth they can be used as a Workbench disk.

What is different:

Main directory adds Kwikdraw, Lightpen, lpen.iff, Read_Me, SlowPen
Removed from main directory Empty and Expansion
'C' Drawer removes FF, IconX, Relabel, RemRAD, Which and Why
'l' drawer removes Speak-Handler
libs removes translator.library
Utilities removes Calculator, Clock, ClockPtr, Notepad, Printfiles
and Say.

In essence it removed the Say function and some utilities deleted
but in all other aspects a fully functioning version of Workbench 1.3.

There is still 113K available on the disk so some could come back.

I am sure it was a legal use of the Workbench disk but in the years
of me backing up various software disks I haven't come across one
that was so similar to an actual Commodore Workbench 1.3 disk. You
would have no problem using this as a Workbench disk. Dunno why this
interested me so, but it did.

Anyhoo, the disks have been successfully backed up and now reside as
ever in my giant repository. So don't ask me for a Workbench disk, ask
me for a copy of the Trojan Lightpen Software. [ same thing ]

Trojan Amiga Lightpen and Kwikdraw.

C64 version

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Last updated 17th January 2022

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