

ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2022

Entry 18th January 2022: Post 1: VIDEON video digitizer for the Amiga.

VIDEON video digitizer for the Amiga.
I sense I may just be one of the few people in the world to own
one of these little digitizers. Made in Italy, the VIDEON was an
Amiga specific product for the A500, A1000 or A2000. It can handle
from 2 to 4096 colours and supports 320x256 to 640x512 resolutions.
The numbers vary if you require overscan. It will load any IFF pic
from any graphics software. Saves in IFF format and has a range of
sophisticated 3D surface mapping tools.

The black box has controls to adjust image quality levels and even
lets you view the computer image and monitor without the need for
a second monitor. The unit requires its own power supply which is
the strange EURO style connector so will require an adaptor.

Specification can vary between the I-II and III models. The one I
have is the VIDEON II and has the separate power supply provided.

Images can be grabbed in pretty much all resolutions of the OCS
chip set including interlaced overscan screen modes. It works
internally at 24 bits. Can save EHB, HAM, SHAM and IFF24. Has the
composite inputs which has to be set manually. Connects to the
parallel and RGB ports.  [ specification may vary ]. I haven't
tried the unit so file save types may differ from unit to unit.

All by Newtronic Technologies Italy.

The software disk runs from booting direct from the disk or by
using the Workbench. I liked the self boot option cus you get a
sexy elevated pointer with shadow. The box came with the video
editing software Imagine plus various back-up disks. Personally I
would always use the Vidi-Amiga but it wouldn't hurt to try
something else. Maybe when I get hold of a power adaptor plug.

The box and contents are in very good condition, so I kinda feel
rather lucky I obtained this when I did as they seem to be rare.

VIDEON video digitizer for the Amiga.

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Last updated 18th January 2022

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