ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2022
Entry 30th January 2022: Post 1: Amiga - What do you call a pair of Cyberstorms?
Amiga - What do you call a pair of Cyberstorms?
So what do you call a pair of Cyberstorms? .. 'Freaking Awesome'.
Seriously, just an incredible nice to have. OK I've calmed down
now. Just that some guy made a comment to me recently that the
owning of a NEO-GEO in he UK was a little 'exotic'. Anyhoo I
decided to pull the box down from a high shelf, along with a
Panasonic Real 3D0 FZ-1, to check over the contents etc and down
popped these two Cyberstorms. Like that happens to anyone.
Gazing at these Amiga cards I realised I had no idea of what the
exact spec was for each. I guess they are either 040 or 060. In
the mid 2000-10 era I was dead keen on building up my 4000 kit
and these came on the Bay and so I made a modest bid and won both
of them. Sadly my 4000 interest kinda lost momentum as I had an
040 that was doing all I needed, and so didn't progress the project.
These cards have been in their boxes for around 15 years or so now
and it is a real shame they are not put to better use. I also have
an A4000 refurbished motherboard lying in a tub which I have
threatened on no end of times to use to replace a busted one in
one of my A4000 desktops. Whether it ever happens, who knows.
I took the photographs today in the hope of resolving the 040/060
conundrum but got no further forward. And so as I concluded my
inspection of the NEO-GEO and Real 3D0 plus a Turbografx I sat
the two boxes back high on the shelf, still echoing in my head the
line by Stuart in Big Bang ... 'Freaking Awesome'. It really is
amazing what lurks within this house.
Amiga - What do you call a pair of Cyberstorms?