

ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2025

Entry 8th January 2025: Post 1: AUI Superdisks 83 and 84 - What a palaver.

AUI Superdisks 83 and 84 - What a palaver.

Today reminded me of why I never really purchased many AUI mags.
Time was the shelves of the newsagents were littered with Amiga
magazines. As you bustled with the locals to glean which mag to
buy it was always tricky trying to decipher the cover and disks
of Amiga User International. The white on green wasn't helping
and the words of which there were many was a touch on the small

Problem with the disks is they generally were full of relatively
small programs that you would find on PD disks. A lot were also
shareware and had annoying pop-ups and reminders telling you to

The bigger problem was the way they de-crunched the cover disks.
The first disk worked as a normal disk and so for those wanting a
copy today for the emulator there isn't a problem as you can ADF
the disk. The issues start with the second disk which is an NDOS
disk and as such is not seen by the Workbench. Further it cannot
be ADF blitzed nor DMS crunched. The only way to get the files to
the emulator is to decrunch all the files and then LHA them into
one big folder. You could also decrunch onto seven disks and ADF
them. I chose one big LHA file.

I was really only trying to see if the BootWriter program was the
same version as the one I had. There is no way of knowing what is
on each of the Utility disks without creating all of them. Turned
out to be the exact same copy as the one I already had.

Interesting that a certain magazine site appears to have few of
the magazine scans of AUI for the period and there didn't appear
to be any disks to download. I have pretty well all AUI disks but
sadly I am not likely to decrunch them all just for a plethora of
PD programs that I can probably download off Aminet. Chances of
me finding anything useful is also pretty remote.

I don't mind AUI and at times it was very helpful. Trouble is I
sense it was trying to distinguish itself from Amiga Format, CU
and Amiga Computing, but much like Amiga Shopper finished up
falling between the two stools.

I think I'm done. Some strange white stuff fell out of the sky
today. Not enough to make a snowman but pissed the Tesco man off
no end as he struggled with his delivery.

AUI Superdisks 83 and 84 - What a palaver.

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Last updated 8th January 2025

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