ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2025
Entry 10th January 2025: Post 1: Eve Online - Space Adventuring.
Eve Online - Space Adventuring.
Set your 'faces' on stun. This won't mean a whole heap of sense.
When I was a kid I followed the Apollo space programme with great
interest. I was so sure that in my lifetime we would conquer space
and I would journey into the stars. How wrong was I.
Star Trek seems to be the only space history, albeit fantasy, that
will prevail as the world's possibilities had I lived long enough.
When I reflect on 2001 Space Odyssey and the monolith beacons that
triggered man's expansion into the stars I am left reflecting on what
could have been. Sadly again, not in my lifetime.
Trouble is I feel that man's appetite for space travel waned some
decades ago. I guess you can blame fantasy worlds such as Star Wars
and Star Trek for painting a future that most probably think is
inevitable but not in our lifetime. Governement's of the planet
Earth seem disinclined to spend vast amounts of money on space
travel , of an adventurous kind, and I sense we will eventually
consume all the fossil fuel necessary to eject ourselves from this
Either way nothing is going to happen of a dramatic nature in my
lifetime unless we get invaded by extra terrestrials.
Given the obvious restrictions and my general dissatisfaction with
the current population of this planet it has always been a great
fascination to me, the idea of fantasy gaming and space travel. The
problem is that the source material has been pretty crap. Whilst
gaming on the computer started very early on with Star Wars and
Star Trek, neither of the genre developed beyond a crude baseline.
Tending to wallow in a late 60/70s envelope.
The Amiga made a fist of it with Elite, K240 and further versions
of Star Trek, but again these games looped around either an earlier
formula or your usual punch co-ordinates into an endless map in
the hope of generating world statistics that can be made entertaining.
Its that latter pre-occupation with facts and figures that presumes
all space games are about conquering space and expanding like the
cancer that humans have become in terms of destroying it seems all
that it comes into contact with.
To be human is a more imposing force that can be respectful of its
worlds, much like the way the original Avatar turned humans into
considerate creatures worthy of coexisting on a world filled with
many species.
I believe that Gene Roddenberry always attempted to bring the human
into his stories. The rules of interaction with other species
became a core value in all later Star Trek series.
So why am I waffling on about this... The reason is I started to
play Eve Online again, and sadly in very little time I am back to
my original gripe with most space exploration games. That being
that its primarily technology driven and wants to educate endlessly
on the primary components that make space ships work. Seriously
who gives a shit. By the time you have evolved into a space fairing
creature you probably already know how to drive a car. What is
missing from Eve is the human aspects of just living in space. So
you never really get to know anything about your character or the
worlds you visit. Its all technical gibberish and space coordinates.
I have been waiting for a 'space' that made it possible for me to
escape this planet since I first played Asteroids. It has been a
dream of mine and I do search for worthy products. Interestingly
even though I played Stars, Star Trek Online, SWToR online and now
Eve Online, I have never found a suitable space exploration game
that focussed on the Captain Kirk style of play. That is to be a
human first and then a Spock second.
And so I still warm to the Tobias Richter simple PD Star Trek game
that can be downloaded from Aminet. Remembering to insert the
ASSIGNs if you intend playing on your Amiga hard drive. The idea of
number punching, tactical manoeuvring, enhancing battle stats and
embracing the technology may be what drives space exploration
gamers, but for me its a drag. It's why I play Warcraft with no
weapon. I just like to explore and adventure and 'escape'. I have
no desire to make gaming into a work like project. Kirk would
have always relied on his crew to do their job, so it really
matters not how the bloody thing works. Kirk cheated.
This time around with Eve I spent zero time customising my char
given that I never see them anyway. So I took the base model and
threw on a Ken Dodd wig and called her Darthveiga. Sadly I already
am bored, given I spent most of the day learning and training etc.
Anyhoo... I can escape in many other ways by simply watching the
latest Blade Runner again.. I suppose. At least that way I don't
get a half hour tutorial explaining something I should already
know given I am supposed to be from that period in the story.
Anyhoo... back to Azeroth tomorrow and more annoying Delves. I sense
I shall simply warp into the nearest sun in Eve and no doubt be forced
to rebuild myself like a self destructing Yorha. What ever. Good
thing nobody can hear you scream in space.. Not sure my neighbours
would agree.
Eve Online - Space Adventuring.
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Last updated 10th January 2025
Chandraise Kingdom
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