ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2025
Entry 15th January 2025: Post 1: Amiga PD - Ground Zero.
Amiga PD - Ground Zero.
Today I give an example of a PD House selection of disks as was
purchased by one particular Amiga user. This gives a snapshot of
the types of disk a particular user was buying from Ground Zero.
Included is the Catalogue which expands into two disks which I
also include.
The disks offer a selection of demo disks, magazines, some games
and utilities. The set interests me cus it is exactly the kind of
disks that I would have purchased.
Fun stuff. All in DMS which works like an ADF in the emulator.
The KL disks are Klondike card making sets for the game so you
can create your own images on the cards.
Catalogue | Catalogue Disk 1 | Catalogue Disk 2.
D148 | D149
D153A | D153B
D154 | D158A | D158B
D160 | D180A | D180B
D180C | D180D
D219 | D224
ED020 | ED035A | ED035B
ED038 | ED040 | ED044
GM240A | GM240B
GM241A | GM241B
GM247A | GM247B
KL01 | KL07 | KL12
U230 | U239
U318A | U318B | U318C
Amiga PD - Ground Zero.

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Last updated 15th January 2025
Chandraise Kingdom
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