Amiga Disk Copying
The failed CU Amiga cover disk.
A pile of disks ready to format.
X-COPY at the ready.
Disks being initialised on the A500.
On the left is the formatted disks and on
the right some game disks that I saved.
So with the cartridge installed on the
secondary drive I boot with X-COPY
I hit F1 to boot into X-COPY
I select DOSCOPY and remove the X-COPY
disk and insert the disk I want to copy
The blank disk is in the secondary drive.
And there we have the cracked version of Silkworm
I do have the original game.
Disk head cleaner always needed.
I found the Silkworm trainer by the Accumulators.
I was able to copy Sidewinder from the Workbench.
Sidewinder is a Banshee style of game.
Other games companies let you copy the disks
but had password procedures that involved often
code printed in the manuals.
This is the Settlers password code.
Endless cracked games and the guys
bragged about it all. Amazing really.
Anyway you get the idea. To me the disks are
sad and a bit lonely. They have no manuals and
often can really bugga up your drive so I tend
to avoid them. I have kept a few selected disks
out when I know I have the originals and they are
of good quality. Saves me ruining the originals
As for X-COPY, I am amazed that more of these
companies and those cracking games were not called
to task. I know that 17-bit removed quite a lot
from their catalogue for fear of copyright.
Represents a moment in time I guess. Probably
worth hanging onto the disks just so it can be
recorded and remembered.... Never been a supporter
of piracy and certainly have always purchased my
games and software.