ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2018
Entry 1st July 2018: Post 25: XBOX 360
XBOX 360 - Dull as soup
Dull as soup but hey, has a hard drive and hasn't been switched
on for like eight years so what can you do. Worse of all I have
two of these. One in a box that has never been opened. Don't ask !!
The biggest problem I had with the XBOX was the need to pay MS
a subscription just to play the games I had already paid for. Sure
I could run the games but I couldn't save them. And yet there was
no such restriction on the PS3. Bonkers.
XBOX 360
So funny. Typical grown-ups view of what
fun should look like... DUH !!
Lara is saying... 'Maybe you should meet me on the PS3'