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ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2018

Entry 2nd July 2018: Post 04: Repairing the 3.5"

My Amiga 1400 - Repairing the 3.5" Part II

Back to the busted drive and a need to rescue Clara and Risa. Let's
hope that Graham can work his magic. Fingers crossed.

[ Read the previous blog for the build up to this section ]

I am now going to install Workbench 3.0 and get this drive to boot.
I failed yesterday trying to do this and the disk failed to boot even
though it had the Workbench on the boot volume. Fingers crossed

Chasing Risa

Like it says, installs Release 3.0.

Installation is complete... Fingers crossed

Seemed to work.. All volumes visible
and we booted using the hard drive

And I know that that is one of my
drives cus there is Risa and Clara

I'm a lawnmower .... Go figure

And there is the fresh Workbench folder.

Scuse me now for putting on the drive my
base files, drawers and tools including Parnet.

First up is CED my text editor.

Next up is DOPUS.

SysInfo and SnoopDOS for de-bugging.

Fastview, IconCopy, Notepad, PicView and a User-Startup.

Plus Parnet.

Fire up CED and edit the ASSIGNS and save User-Startup.

User-startup is in S and is where all your
personal ASSIGNS are placed. May as well add
MUI as I'll be needing it later.

Change the colours to eight.

Use IconCopy to personalise icons.

Set up the drives in DOPUS.

Add Risa and Clara.

Test the drive by creating a drawer.

Copy contents of a DD to the new partition.

I can now use DOPUS for all my Workbench
file management. I use Fastview to interrogate
file images and play animations.

When your done set out the icons and snapshot.

OK changed Icons, and all base files and tools
are installed. Leave IconCopy and DOpus
on the Workbench backdrop for easy access.

This is a stripped down install just to
give access to the drive and allow it to
be edited and used on a later date.

In truth what I need when I first fire up
any Amiga is DOpus to file manage, CED to
edit mount lists, start-up files etc, a pic
viewer to look at images and animations, an
icon editor and copier, Parnet to network to
another Amiga, HDToolbox and SnoopDOS, plus
SysInfo to look at what's on the computer.
With all that you're good to go.

And that's job done. Graham saved the day
and the 3.5" drive works with Release 3.0

I actually prefer 3.0 cus its the last
proper release of the OS by Commodore.
I still have 3.0 on my original computer
and it has never let me down. 3.1 is OK
if you have the 3.1 ROM fitted and I don't
have a problem with it. But 3.0 is definitely
my weapon of choice.

As for 3.5 and 3.9.. Nah !! No need

By the way I'm not trying to win any awards for
the look of my Workbench. I use my systems and
so functionality comes first. Speed is essential
so 8 colours will do, as will Release 3.0. There
really isn't anything I haven't been able to do
with 3.0. My ambition with any Amiga is to have
a hard drive 2.5" or external SCSI, an 030 accelerator
and about 8MB RAM... That works fine for me

Oh and an Amiga 1200... Simply the best

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Last updated 02/07/2018

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