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ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2018

Entry 12th July 2018: Post 01: Spectrum + Amazon Women

Spectrum +2 +3 +Amazon Women Part I

Back to the cataloguing of the store boxes and today I was up on
the highest shelves struggling with some largish boxes. The two
in question were for the ZX Spectrum +2 and +3. Heavy and generally
to the one end as they both have this very heavy PSU brick inside.

I know that the units inside are faulty and was reason for placing
them in store in the first place. So I decided to take a look
inside the boxes and see what was wrong with them

ZX Spectrums +2 and +3

Heavy ZX Spectrum +2 and +3 boxes.

First up the ZX Spectrum +2.

That very heavy PSU +2 brick.

There are two versions of the +2.
This one with the larger PSU brick
and of a darker black colour and the
lighter grey version with the smaller
power supply unit. This is a newer version.

Different books for the two different models.

One showing the large PSU.

And the other showing the smaller.

Very similar to the DDI-1 on the CPC.

Similar to the one for the +3.

The computer works just fine.

Sadly the tape drive just doesn't work.

So no Amazon Women.. Well not yet anyway.
I obviously put the computer in store
cus the tape drive wasn't working.

Time to turn to the +3.

Same as the +2 but with the 3" disk drive.

The brick also says +3.

And the book is different.

Published in 1987.

The computer again works no problem.
But the disk drive is not working.

I have had to mend absolutely each
and every one of these drives on all
my Amstrad machines and disk drives.
I just had had enough to be honest.
Guess I'll have a go at fixing.. but not now.

On a working drive the light comes on.

And CAT from +3 gives the disk contents.

I have three of these units so not an
issue having one that is broken. For now.

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Last updated 12th July 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2018