ZX Spectrum +2
May not look it but this is a black case.
Sadly the tape 'Datacorder' is not working.
That was close. A screw through the
keyboard ribbon holding the case.
Tricky wire if you need to perform
checks on the tape drive.
Looks all in one piece and no rubber
bands busted or missing.
Inserts Amazon Women ... Whoo errr !!!
Drops a marker dot on each of the wheels.
Amazing.. They all are working now.
Quick tour of the old motherboard.
Amstrad 1990.. Just a baby then.
Cassette installed and loading.
Then crashes out about here.
Let me try an old favourite.
Atic Atac got a bit further but
also stopped loading. very odd.
I checked the motherboard again
but really if it's electrical I
wouldn't have a clue.
Atic Atac just kicks out at the end
of the loading sequence.