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ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2019

Entry 10th July 2019: Post 03: Amiga 1200 - Apollo 060 Upgrade.

Amiga 1200 - Apollo 060 Upgrade.

So I am reading with interest a post on one of the Amiga forums
regarding the Apollo 060 and a possible issue with battery leak.
So I hot footed up here and grabbed one of my Apollo cards and
had a look. Sure enough I could see the beginnings of a battery
leak. Not sure I feel brave enough to remove the battery but maybe
it's time I had a go at de-soldering.

Whilst I was at it I dug out the PDF for the manual which I now
link here on this page. I also found the box with the 060 upgrade
in it. Evidently this was designed to be used on an 040 to upgrade
to an 060. All the way from Sweden I believe and never been used.
Or was it Holland.. ?

So here are some high definition images just to peruse and marvel
over. Note that the clock crystal is missing and the reference is
scratched off the main processor. This card did have an additional
heat sink attached which should not be required, unless that is the
power converter is working... which now makes me think. I do have
a spare though.

Click the link for the  Apollo 060 Manual

Amiga 1200 - Apollo 060 Upgrade.

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Last updated 10th July 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2019