ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2019
Entry 14th July 2019: Post 02: Amiga - Has it been 20 years ?
Amiga - Has it been 20 years ?
In composing the previous blog it suddenly dawned on me that many
of the magazines I was flicking through were dated 1999 and that
makes them twenty years old. The point being that the era in
question was for many the twilight years of hope for the real
Amiga. The period was notable for the transition of the Amiga
into a tower based machine driven by companies like Eyetech.
Sadly by the end of the millennium magazines had all but dried up
and Amiga Format was maybe one of the last to go. Although the
magazine referred to tries to reassure about future publication
it too ceased to be in May of the following year.
What followed the tower era, as I call it, was a move toward
emulators, which also are featured in the pages of the period.
I have to say that the struggles of the community to try and keep
the platform alive whilst the PC was jumping leaps and bounds
ahead unhindered, was quite the most saddening I have experienced
with the Amiga. Mainly cus I lost so many friends and fellow
Amigans during that period. The drop off in support was dramatic
to the extreme. Today there are next to know active groups of
the period and as I tried to click various links from my vault
I was greeted with page after page of broken page links.
And so its kinda fitting that back of this Amiga magazine there
is a cartoon by Eric Schwartz, probably the best known Amiga
survivor. I am always moved to comment in mails to folk I
truly admire the words ' Keep the Faith ' cus I know that they
will understand. A sentiment lost on most I come into contact
these days.
And so to those that do remember ... Keep the Faith.
Amiga - Has it been 20 years ?