ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2019
Entry 19th July 2019: Post 02: What happened to Sothius and the BirraBrothers?
What happened to Sothius and the BirraBrothers?
Time was I had endless useful links that I dipped into on the web
to check various bits of data related to the older computers. One
such one stop shop was the site of Sothius AKA M. A. Grundke. This
guy is responsible for so many Amiga related Wiki comments. I do
recall his site finally closing and seeing the ' All good things '
comment followed by the flashing cursor.
Sadly so many sites that I have copies of have now fallen by the
wayside. So few links actually work any more. What is worse is where
the site link does work but the page is just an advert for products.
I still have my 'Idiots Guide to Samba' along with all the images
and various posts on groups. I have generally catalogued most things
into folders. I have never trusted the 'longevity' of the internet
and so if I see it I generally download it, when I can. I guess
in time so much that is written about the Amiga from years past
will vanish from the web. It demonstrates the fragility of data
stored by others. I was sure the idiots guide was on AmigaWorld Net.
I also keep where I can images published by others of their screens
and keep a folder filled with other users Workbench backdrops, icons
and even their configs as with DOpus.
At some point I guess we all have pulled the plug and or lost data
that represents our creative worth. Whether it be blog posts, music,
images and or even our own websites. At some point the hard drive
fell over, was erased or maybe even just sold or thrown away. In
time we probably all would like to reach back and grab what we had,
if only to remind ourselves just what nerds we were. Well, I am
still that nerd and so never threw anything away. Thankfully I
also kept copies of others work and places I visited on the web.
Some day I will rebuild some of the pages I have in store, but for
now here are just one or two that prompted me to post this blog.
Thankfully the SCSI site still exists... need to copy that.
What happened to Sothius and the BirraBrothers?