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ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2019

Entry 22nd July 2019: Post 03: Amiga 1200 WB3.1 to OS3.5 and back - Part III.

Amiga 1200 WB3.1 to OS3.5 and back - Part III.

Time to kick the WB 3.5 or should I say OS 3.5. Either way it really
is not suited to the way I operate. I just hate the icons, and it
gets even worse with OS 3.9 so time to junk this into the trash.

I booted back up using the 3.1 Install disk and surprise surprise
both the 3.5 installed partitions were not being recognised. So I
basically deleted and resized all partitions so that the total was
under the 4GB magic number and reinstalled 3.1.

And all was back to normal and I was very happy. Time to put this
Amiga 1200 back on the shelf and add a star to her casing.

First though I spent a jolly fine evening setting up all my icons
and installing the base software of CED, Fastview, DOpusIV, SnoopDOS,
PicView, MultiView plus all the DataTypes. I set up the HD Drive
along with CrossDOS having patched the drives. I then copied over
more of my treasured Libraries and the like. Completing the process
by installing and setting up Parnet.

I like to leave all my Amigas in a standard format so that when I
switch them on I can begin using straight way. Essential to the is
DOpus and a Text Editor plus the Parnet and HD Drive. Workbench
3.1 and 3.0 run fine straight out of the can with any expansion.
Which is just the way I like it.

When you think about it 4GB is perfectly adequate for a machine
that can only store numbers from 0 to 4,294,967,295 anyway. This
is a Commodore machine created before 1994. Everything else that
followed was not crafted from the house of Commodore.

Well done.

WB3.1 to OS3.5 and back - Part III.

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Last updated 22nd July 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2019