

ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2020

Entry 1st July 2020: Post 1: VIC 20 - Three working computers.

VIC 20 - Three working computers.

No clever remarks today. Back in the saddle after a short break
and following on with my VIC-20 theme. This time I am simply
posting the results of my checking three VIC-20s that I have here
together with some books that were associated with them.

All of the VIC-20 computers were working fine though I could
have tweaked the brightness a little to suit the bw TV.

That concludes my VIC-20 review and hopefully I can squeeze some
days out of July before the weather gets too hot again.

Fingers crossed.

Meanwhile back to my gardening duties.

VIC 20 - Three working computers.

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Last updated 1st July 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020