ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2022
Entry 5th July 2022: Post 1: Amiga Portability - AZLINK and the Z88.
Amiga Portability - AZLINK and the Z88.
I found myself zonking all over the place to cover the feature on
Ten Years of the Amiga as presented in May/June of 1995 of AUI. My
main interest had been the article on Portability and the AZLINK
software for the Z88 as featured in the April edition of AUI. But
the later editions had a promotion for the Z88 cable and software
and that took me back to the April edition. Not any more clear and
I am truly sorry.
OK... There is a very splendid article in the May 95 edition of
AUI regarding the first ten years of the Amiga. This is further
expanded in the June edition of the AUI, and seriously is well
worth the read. I include scans of the pages for your purposes.
As ever with AUI you get a plethora of games and utilities crammed
onto a couple of disks. Sadly the second disk is never a disk you
can ADF and so I spent an age de-crunching the disk and making an
ADF so I could play on the emulator. Turned out the two games that
are featured are quite disappointing and not really worth the
effort. The game SNEECH was written using AMOS.
The main reason for my interest here was the portability article
and the use of other computers to hook up to the Amiga. I was most
interested in the AZLINK software and serial cable on offer. The
link up lets you copy files over to the Z88 for mostly text based
applications like word processors and spreadsheets. One of the
biggest problems with the Z88 is the power needed to keep the
EPROM populated. It just burns through your batteries if you are
truly keen on the portable aspect of the hardware.
I will link the blog I have for the z88 as part of this article.
I have to say that the AUI magazine is way too busy for its own good.
The information comes at you thick and fast. The disks are heavy
with utilities and the like. Trouble is , it really is a bit much
to take in and the utilities, as useful as they are , are never
sufficiently impressive and useful to warrant the disk crunching.
The games are just not fun enough, sorry for that. The magazine
has historic and reference purposes, but Amiga Computing or Shopper
have way more comprehensive articles and software in better
organised chunks.
Anyhoo, have a read of the Ten Years of the Amiga and if anyone has
spare AZLINK serial cable then give me a shout.
Amiga Portability - AZLINK and the Z88.
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Last updated 5th July 2022
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