

ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2022

Entry 7th July 2022: Post 1: Amiga Game - Darkseed.

Amiga Game - Darkseed.

Last time I reviewed this game I failed to include the links to
the magazine articles and cover disks. Both boxes have been
kicking about for some while now and it was time they went back
into store. So before I did so I thought I would complete the
work on the blogs that I featured a good while back.

If you like the work of H R Giger you could always try out the
Amiga game Alien .. Spoiler. It's not very good.

I do like games with a bit of strange mystery about them. The
kind where they are never really what they appear to be.  The
game Darkseed is one just game and I particularly like the art
style of H R Giger.

Quote: Darkseed is based upon the fantastic artwork of Swiss
surrealist H R Giger, the inspiration for such blockbusters as
Alien, Alien III and Poltergeist II. Giger has revolutionised
the look of science fiction forever with his unique 'Biomechanical'
style which depicts the synthesis of technology and biology as
they might evolve without the influence of man.

Link to H R Giger website

Amiga Game - Darkseed.

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Last updated 7th July 2022

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