ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2023
Entry 4th July 2023: Post 1: Stable Diffusion AI Art or just morphing.
Stable Diffusion AI Art or just morphing.
The one thing that I am generally sceptical of as a general rule
is the term 'generalisation '. The use of the term is an extreme
form of laziness used to label something that the propagator
can't be arsed to describe for themselves. It is very suitable
for today's minimalistic chatter on social media.
And so today I ventured into the world of AI art and discovered
not a superior artificial artistic talent but a simple morphing
program that was busily merging images from Google and Pinterest.
The idea is that you use something like Stable Diffusion and then
use simple text prompts to generate works of art. Seems that it
is just a ploy to get you hooked and then pay the premium to
feed your curiosity. What is more interesting is the notion you
can merge these supposed AI creation tools and then enhance with
style types, mix versions and on and on.
To me they are 'generally' using the vast reservoir of internet
images and simply morphing them together in a stepping process
that is tied to your pocket and the power of your computer.I was
reminded of MorphPlus or VistaPro and even Craft as software that
I used donkeys years ago do the very same thing. You can even
simply use DPaint animation and do the whole morphing long hand.
Whilst the process of generating the art from simple text was at
times quite interesting, the lack of control and purposeful art
motive 'stroke' passion in conjuring your masterpiece all felt
pretty empty and shallow. It was more like thumbing through the
poster racks at Athena. I felt as disconnected from my work as I
did in the days at poster shops.
I am still not convinced that anyone has actually truly created
a tool that could be classed as 'artificial intelligence'. None
of these things actually thinks for itself and tries to create
true originating work. Stable Diffusion does not work from a
blank page and then apply the brushstrokes. It simply cuts and
pastes morphed images onto a new 'step' and then goes searching
for another suitable image it can then morph into that. The
clever bit is in the fooling that it has created a work of art
and not what it actually is , images from Eve Online morphed
into a concoction of a series of pictures.
Just as with the Turin test I guess I am yet to be taken in by
supposed AI created works. Maybe it's cus I spent way too much
time as a student in poster shops trying to find Roger Dean style
works of art for my bedroom ceiling.
One interesting note is that I started my own AI journey with
descriptive words for the Amiga and managed to get a disjointed
image of a Boing Ball. At the end I threw in Elvira and Clara
and got some very strange results. I must say the power of the
word to create images is fascinating, but sorry it aint art. I
sense my pencil and paper are safe for now.
Stable Diffusion AI Art or just morphing.
Evidently all my own work
Took me a little over an hour to create 60
works of AI art. I'm a friggin genius... Or not.

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Last updated 4th July 2023
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