ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2023
Entry 6th July 2023: Post 1: Your Computer - Keeping up with retro.
Your Computer - Keeping up with retro.
If you like your retro and have a serious interest in computers
then in truth there is no excuse for not building up your very
own collection of old magazines. If you want to appreciate the
real world of old computers then what is better than thumbing
through an old rag filled with journalistic content, written and
published at the very time the computer was making history.
I do buy a lot of magazines, but then I always have. For me the
published word written by real experts and journalists is way
more beneficial to reading some half comment on a public forum.
For my article on 1K chess I was amazed that I could acquire
both the relevant magazines from a public auction in 2023.
There is no substitute for having the real thing. This goes not
only for the computer and real software/games but also for the
published word whether it be book or magazine. So if you haven't
already, go start your very own magazine collection. You will be
amazed at all the stuff you didn't know even existed. Then maybe
go hunt down a bit of archaic kit or 'stuff'. When you drop down
the rabbit hole you really never know how deep it goes.
Your Computer - Keeping up with retro.
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Last updated 6th July 2023
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