ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2023
Entry 17th July 2023: Post 1: Amiga Computing - 1992 The Wilderness Year.
Amiga Computing - 1992 The Wilderness Year.
One of my most favourite magazines has to be Amiga Computing. The
magazine has such a wealth of useful information and coupled with
some of the most beneficial cover disks makes this one of my most
desirable of collected publications. I have used the cover disks
for 1992 quite extensively in my builds of personalised Workbench
disks. Which makes it so odd that of all the magazines that I would
have anticipated few gaps in the collection, 1992 is just a massive
empty void. I just have never had any luck obtaining magazines for
this period. I have nearly every other year, all except 1992.
Imagine then my joy in snagging a copy of August 1992 complete with
the cover disk featuring the very popular and useful MultiDOS. It
is so useful having the magazine article relating to the cover disk.
MultiDOS is one of the few tools that works with 1.3 for creating
PC readable disks. I incorporated the program into my very own
Workbench disk as an aid to transferring files from the PC to the
Amiga 500, something that is much needed for a system that for
the most part comes without a hard drive.
I do like the April Fool joke about Nintendo taking over the
Commodore company. And this before the company went to the wall.
Anyhoo in the year an A500 would have cost you 300 quid the Amiga
is headlining at the 6th International Computer Show and giving no
suggestion of any dark clouds on the horizon. For my part I am
most glad of the dark clouds of late. Has meant some very late
nights playing with Lara on the XBOX 360. I was loathed to stop
playing cus I really did think the death star would re-appear and
curtail my happy gaming fun. Hasn't happened so I'm back in Amiga
land for a few days.
Happy days.
Amiga Computing - 1992 The Wilderness Year.
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Last updated 17th July 2023
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