ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2023
Entry 23rd July 2023: Post 1: Amiga Computing 1992 - And now just one to go.
Amiga Computing 1992 - And now just one to go.
I did say the other day that I was expecting further magazines to
bolster my Amiga Computing collection and today a quite substantial
box arrived filled with ten copies of the magazine. Of the ten I
really only needed the two but sometimes you just have to duplicate
to accumulate.
Amongst the ten copies were March 1992 and June 1992 leaving me now
with just October 1992 to complete the year. This has been a truly
amazing achievement given that for years I have had but a sprinkling
of editions for the 1992 period.
What has been even more rewarding is that I have been able to add
magazine articles relating to cover disk SID V2.00 which I used quite
extensively to build my FreeBench Workbench disks. Amazing !
I have now updated the core library page for Amiga Computing showing
the current list. In time I may get the October copy but for now
I am more than pleased with the state of what I have.
Tomorrow I will further amaze you with what I have been doing on
my Amiga User International battle front.
Amiga Computing 1992 - And now just one to go.
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Last updated 23rd July 2023
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