Click for the WorkStation Manual from the list.
Click to download the WorkStation disk.
ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2023
Entry 28th July 2023: Post 1: The WorkStation - Amiga Computing replacement Workbench.
The WorkStation - Amiga Computing replacement Workbench.
Flicking through the pages of my recently acquired Amiga Computing
magazines I came across The WorkStation software disk offer from
May 1991. I first came across The WorkStation when I discovered
the disk in an Envelope formerly in the ownership of the Checkmate
guy that I purchased two decades ago. I never did know from which
edition of the Amiga Computing magazine this offer related until
today. Page 70 of that magazine gives the readers the opportunity
to buy The WorkStation for three pounds and fifty pence. Amazing.
The WorkStation is a replacement version of Workbench 1.3 and gives
the user additional functionality including:
File Manager in the form of SID.
A screen grabber to freeze-frame Workbench screens and save them.
A fully configured dynamic recoverable RAM disk.
A fully functioning Text Editor.
Disk repair kit in the form of a disk doctor.
A custom icon designer.. and much more.
Just check out the link in my Library section and click WorkStation.
I have also included a copy of the disk for your amusement.
You may recall that I created my own FreeBench disk some years back
based on the same ideas and which uses an Amiga Computing disk at its
core. So I was already on track to make my own WorkStation.
I have found a number of interesting articles in those magazines I
recently featured and will no doubt refer to them over the coming
weeks. In the edition I refer to today there is an interesting
puzzle solving game called Gem'X which I have never seen before.
Anyhoo have fun.
The WorkStation - Amiga Computing replacement Workbench.
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Last updated 28th July 2023
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