ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2024
Entry 12th July 2024: Post 1: Amiga Digitizing - DigiPaint and DigiView.
Amiga Digitizing - DigiPaint and DigiView.
The primary purpose of today's little exercise was to salvage ADF
copies of the DigiPaint and DigiView disks for the repository. In
the boxes I had DigiPaint versions 3 and 4, DigiView together with
Transfer 24. Additionally there was a disk with DigiPaint4 plus
All the disks worked though I had three of the C directory tools
showing up as zero on one of the disks. I quickly reassembled the
completed disk, created a fresh one and converted to ADF. I now
have all the ADF disk images in the repository and the emulator.
Whilst I fully appreciated that the digitizing software was pretty
useless without the camera attached it was a useful exercise to see
if the software worked on the Amiga 1200 , which it did.
I was unable to load any of my images from my last saved disk into
DigiPaint, though version 3 had a better go of it than version 4.
In truth it was never going to work given that the images are High
Res created with DPaint AGA.
I gotta say I find the interface on all these pieces of software
very annoying, including PhotonPaint. I had the same problems with
ImageFX. I just hate the controls being on the horizontal.
In the end I fired up PPaint and loaded Miss Teresa Maxova with no
issues, as you would expect. So refreshing with the controls to
the left.
Anyhoo my main challenge of copying the disks was complete and I
returned the boxes to the shelves.
I have to say the core idea of DigiView of taking separate RGB
images of any picture and then combining them does seem a touch
long winded and not something I think I would have tolerated.
Interestingly both DigiPaint and Photonpaint picked up the first
frame of an IFF low res animation in the folder. Just the one frame.
As ever just your usual supermodel strutting the catwalk.
Amiga Digitizing - DigiPaint and DigiView.
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Last updated 12th July 2024
Chandraise Kingdom
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