September20 1401: scuzzblog: Late news NBS PD House merged into UPD.
ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2024
Entry 18th July 2024: Post 1: Amiga 1200 - Bryoni from Bristol is just fine.
Amiga 1200 - Bryoni from Bristol is just fine.
Bryoni arrived here in April 2007, yet another Amiga from Bristol.
Most of my A1200s that are not in use or in boxes sit under tissue
on top of disk boxes on the shelves I have dedicated for disks. I
do keep a note on when I last checked machines.
Last night I was helping a guy track down a catalogue for NBS PD
disks and in my accessing boxes I had to move Bryoni a number of
times. On the final move I decided to check the sticker and found
a note saying last checked November 2020. That can't be right.
Today I cleared the bench and set too connecting Bryoni up to the
black Commodore monitor. Though the keys look a little more brown
than the images from 2018, its more of a photo issue as in some
light you hardly notice it. The general case is still pretty clear.
The machine for a long time had no hard drive and a 4MB RAM card
by Power Computing. On 20th July 2018 I fitted a new Seagate hard
drive and filled the drive with a bag full of my favourite stuff.
The process took a few days and was the subject of a series of my
blogs called a new star. Amazingly that was six years ago.
When I switched the computer on the hard drive did not boot. I then
opened up and simply lifted the drive and dropped it on its back
and I tapped the case. Immediately it sprang into action and all
was fine from that point.
The accelerator that is fitted is Viper Turbo 1230LC with a RAM SIM.
She simply flies along and I was very quickly checking all of the
drives and contents. All seemed OK. I have been told that I use an
older version of SysInfo and I guess I ought to update the thing.
I played a bit of Uridium and watched a few demo disks looking out
for NBS which is one of my favourite houses. The World of Commodore
was an interesting slide-show for 1992. It didn't take long to find
a picture of the lovely Clara Veiga for those Veiga spotting.
I carried out the normal checks like keyboard, memory etc and had
nothing out of the ordinary to report, so I simply recorded the
date and stated all was fine.
I dug out some images from 2018 to compare, but all looked just as
I had left her. Just need to make sure I check a little more
frequently. Sadly it is going hot again and although it is supposed
to clear in a few days I sense this may become a little more of a
common feature and I will be relegated to the Workshop. I shouldn't
complain, just means no PlayStation, WoW or Tensor for a while.
Fingers crossed for cool weather.
Amiga 1200 - Bryoni from Bristol is just fine.
That blog about the NBS PD House. [Useful Link]
~ September 14th 2020 ~
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Last updated 18th July 2024
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