

ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2024

Entry 20th July 2024: Post 1: Amiga 1200 - Tumoon responds to server closure.

Amiga 1200 - Tumoon responds to server closure.

Tumoon has always been high maintenance even from the days she was
known as Sue. I better not go there. Anyway, to today and surprise
surprise she refused to boot or even show any life from the drive

Seems Tumoon has responded to the Archeage game servers being closed
for good end of June. There was a time post 2014 I played little
else than Archeage. Tumoon was one of my characters in the game.
What I enjoyed about Archeage was the ability to dedicate yourself
to simply farming, skills and building structures, plus trading.
Sadly the game was bounced from one owner to another until it finally
closed its doors for the last time last month. With it I lost all
my collected worth in the game. Which was a lot.

Turning back to the Amiga there was nothing to do but open her up.
I had been busy on the bench all morning and it was getting late
and the 'Death Star' was starting to burn a hole in my head. The
computer has the Apollo 060, which can be a little fickle.

I flipped the hard drive on its back and it sprung into life. The
machine was still flickering power and so I fiddled with the metal
shielding. No change. I closed up. I then pressed the space bar
and she sprung to life. The machine booted and the Apollo worked.
Unfortunately I had some how lost half the keyboard and then all
the keyboard. I switched off and returned the next day.

This machine was a mess when it arrived. Over the time of having
her I have struggled with this strange earthing issue. The machine
just flickers on the power light. I'll circle back to that.

So my list of repairs include fixing the floppy drive, which in
doing fixed a strange case issue that prevented the disk ejecting.
I repaired the keyboard, and noted the strange crease in the
ribbon. I traced one of the shorts to an odd couple of pins
soldered to the motherboard in the corner. This I simply isolated
with tape. Sadly the thing still shorts, and I am forced to wiggle
around until it clears.

The Apollo 060 is a touch flaky also, she is fine when working, it
just struggles when I have this shorting issue.

Anyhoo ... I decided to remove the card and deal with the keyboard
ribbon. This turned out to be the connector coming loose. Having
reseated the ribbon all was fine. I then had a good go of screwing
down the shielding and making sure it was not touching the Apollo
or the keyboard. Remarkably she booted first time and after a good
soak was still working.

She can be so moody this girl. So with the Apollo now working and 
the hard drive running, and no flickering power lights I marked
that down as a win and got out the way of the Death Star.

Happy that all was fine I noted the success on the case and put her
back into store. Note the DIY trapdoor vent, cool or what !

I have included a few pictures from my previous endeavours to get
her working which can be found in a two part blog about my efforts
to fix the hard and the floppy on an Amiga 1200.

Just as an aside the Apollo was purchased through Amibench prior to
2003 for use with a brand new Amiga I had purchased from Analogic.
Problem is she refuses to work with the PCMCIA and so I had to get
a Blizzard 1230IV to do the job. Thing was that the Apollo cost me
a small fortune and I've never really used it. Shame really.

I made the mistake of touching the power converter whilst in use
and nearly burnt the end of my finger off.

PS Just the one Veiga spotting item today as she was the icon of
the Work disk for 17th October 2020. How time flies.

Amiga 1200 - Tumoon responds to server closure.

And with the Apollo working

Some images from a previous repair

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Last updated 20th July 2024

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