

ScuzzBlog: Diaries July 2024

Entry 28th July 2024: Post 1: Amiga 1200 - Why I bought a second Amiga 1200.

Amiga 1200 - Why I bought a second Amiga 1200.

Tricky to explain today, I guess, why I would have been minded to
buy a second Amiga 1200 in 1995. To explain that I need to go back
to 1995 and describe my world.

I had invested a lot into my Amiga, what with monitor, accelerator,
HD floppy drives and larger internal hard drives. I still had an
awful lot of useful software on floppy and was unable to find space
on the hard drive for it all.

The GVP accelerator helped a lot speed up processes but this only
meant I had more RAM for bigger files. I had moved over to the XL
drive and was already only using HD disks. The boxes were filling
up by the bucket load.

My passion was digitising and I used the SONY camera plus two
video players to mix stuff using Vidi Amiga. I had a ghetto blaster
hooked up to a TechnoSound sampler and I was adventuring into demo
work using AMOS Pro. I needed everything on hand and so files for
samples and video took up a lot of space.

Games by now were getting larger and larger, particularly the ones
that I enjoyed like Ishar, SimCity and Star Trek plus classics like
Beneath a Steel Sky. The games folder had become enormous.

I had already filled my 350MB hard drive and with drive space costing
a quid a megabyte it was expensive. I tried to use an internal IDE
3.5" but failed to realise I needed a bigger PSU to drive the thing.

So I clocked for a 550MB drive from Gordon Harwood and now faced
the dilemma of what to put on the new hard drive and what to leave

Software was becoming very useful at this time and this also took
up a lot of space. Software like Main Actor and Image Engineer and
PPaint may have been small apps but they generated larger files.
PPaint now brought JPG images into the mix which were a lot bigger.
The biggest folders were filled with animation files, many of which
were too big to move onto floppy disk.

I even tried archiving software called Archandler to convert the
whole of the drive into an archive to save space. Man was that a

I was out of options.

And so, during the winter holiday break of 1995 I bought a second
Amiga 1200. I simply moved the 350 MB drive onto T A N K and used
that as a game machine. This left my main computer for my creative

Interestingly some of my first games for T A N K like Football
Glory kept me in the workshop a lot longer than I would have liked.
Splitting my world between two locations didn't work in truth and
in a very short time I was thinking of other options ...

By July 96 everything changed anyway. But hey life goes on.

Amiga 1200 - Why I bought a second Amiga 1200.

Vidi-Amiga Animation

The very lovely Karen Mulder during
a Ghost catwalk session. Recorded using
Vidi-Amiga and edited in DPaint on the A1200

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Last updated 28th July 2024

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