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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2018

Entry 4th June 2018: Post: 3: Amstrad BASIC

Amstrad CPC464 - Back to BASICs

Spent quite a reasonable amount of time recently mucking around
with BASIC on the Amstrad. I hadn't intended doing this but I was
checking over the C64 moving some tape files to disk and started
writing a couple of BASIC programs. I spent way too much time
writing text based games using Mallard BASIC and kept tripping
up with commands that the C64 did not recognise. In the end I
used Simons BASIC on the C64C but even then decided to move
over to the CPC464.

In truth had I moved over to the CPC464 when they came out I
probably would have stayed with the Amstrad on this type of unit
and then bought the 6128. The computer performs without fault
for its age and is a real pleasure to use.

The Amstrad CPC464


Great thing about the Amstrad is the
ease at which you can transfer files
from tape and onto 3" disks. This means
I can use programs on all my Amstrads

The CPC464 is like a barge on the canal
rather than a sailing yacht. It kinda
just sticks everything together into one
large unit. Can be annoying sometimes.

Don't be fooled into thinking the
coloured keys are just there to give
the keyboard sparkle. They really have
great purpose. The COPY key is a brilliant
idea. You basically can disconnect the
corsor and create another that when it
runs over text with the COPY key copies
what ever it is reading. So simple.

Control and Shift keys offer various
combinations and with ESCAPE resets

The ENTER key.. magical when used with the
TAPE. Saves you having to type stuff in

The 'AT' key which with the SHIFT creates
your SPECIAL symbols like |TAPE that sets
a disk based machine into TAPE mode. And then
|DISC reverts back to using the disks. Great
for copying programs between the DDI and TAPE

ESCAPE with three combinations... very useful

The tape works without fault and is really
really very useful when compared to say the
Spectrum and other machines that used an
external machine. This one just works and
gives out a friendly click when it is done

Use the CPC with the DDI-1 and this gives
you access to the 6128 and 6128Plus

The interface connects to the rear port.
I have two DDI units connected to CPCs and
I would be lost without them

My earlier adventure on the old style C64

Simons BASIC and a C64C is the only way to
go. I love the CPC but in truth the C64C
takes some beating when it comes to games
accessories and disk drives. Just classic

Not many additional commands with Simons
but very useful all the same

Time for the Amstrad

And I finished up working through the
CPC manual and recording all the example
programs from each chapter

I actually used this old tatty version

Until I found out the chapters had been
printed out of sequence... So funny

Onward to the 6128Plus

And F1 for BASIC

Loads up my program from my freshly
tranferred file to 3" disk

So shall we have 80 char Mode 2

Or 20 char Mode 0

One bomber but its a start. You can't see
the flying ship above that drops a single bomb

This cycles through all the colours of the
Pen, Paper, Border and INKS plus the sounds


And there is always time for Burnin' Rubber

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Last updated 04/06/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018