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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2019

Entry 1st June 2019: Post 01: Parcade Demo - Antiriad

Parcade Demo - Antiriad

Nothing quite like having a freshly decrunched Amiga DD to play on
the trusty A500 workhorse. Even more wonderful when you consider
that the demo is a new production. The artist in question was asking
on the EAB forums for Amiga users to test his new demo and I was
more than happy to oblige.

So I grabbed my USB floppy drive and plugged into the Win7 computer
and transferred the files to HD PC floppy. I then moved to the A4000/040
and copied and de-crunched the disk using DOpusIV and ADFBlitzer to
both archive and produce the necessary DD disk.

I then placed the disk in the A500 with the GVP sidecar and like magic
she played the demo no problem. In truth the demo was every bit as alike
as a demo of the Amiga period. Just excellent in truth. Even the floppy
light stayed on all the time even though there was no disk access and
it played endlessly without the disk being present in the drive.

I tried the disk on several of my Amigas and it worked on all of them.
And so I was happy to report back on the forum my findings. I do wish
the guy all the best and look forward to more of his work. I have no
idea how to produce such marvels myself, though would love to have a
go someday. Who knows.... does look very complicated.

Was tricky taking the pictures as the camera was unable to capture
still images from a fast moving animation. I suggest you log onto EAB
and check out the post and download the disk and play yourself.

Parcade 26th May 2019 Code and Music by Antiriad ( Jonahan Bennett )

Parcade Demo - Antiriad

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Last updated 1st June 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

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