Entry 4th June 2019: Post 03: Amiga Games - Those small boxed games
Amiga Games - Those small boxed games
OK .. the proof is in the pudding as they say. So I dragged a base
Amiga 600 to the bench plus the black monitor and I went through
each box and game to see if they were working. Only one had a
problem and that was S.T.U.N.T Runner. And only one refused to
work on the 600 and that was Ghostbusters. So I fired up the A500
and the game worked just fine.
I will have a look now at the game that was busted and see what I
can do to replace or repair the disk.
So there you go, all games generally working and so are now stored
safely back into their boxes.
It was good to get the 600 down, as this was the one that had the
recent full repair if you recall. Worked without fault. The mouse
felt very odd. Quite a bit heavier than the normal and had a slight
grainy feel to the casing. It also had a black end connector at the
port head. May have a look at the mouse and see if I can check its
history and date of manufacture. The dust cover is part of a set that
came with the PET which is odd.
Amiga Games - Those small boxed games
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