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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2019

Entry 15th June 2019: Post 01: A590 Plus LSD

A590 Plus LSD

From my blogs of the last few days it is probably pretty obvious
that I am checking out all my A590s that I have littered around
the place. Most are in pretty regular use but some are stored on
shelves and tucked away in cupboards. I do like to make sure the
drives are OK.

Today was the turn of one of my favourites as she is filled with
all my most popular Amiga 1.3 programs. The cursor is a sailing
ship which makes for tranquil clicking.

Following the demo session I had the other day I decided also to
pull some LSD and disk mags for a spin. These are always quite fun
to muck around with cus I not only find out more about various
games, but also enjoy artwork and music. The RAW 6 mag even has a
good chunk of Spaceballs stuff and some magic graphics.

I tried out again the Canon to see if I could record some better
screen video, but failed again. Sadly my attempts using an A1200
on a video recorder also failed. Time was I could do this but the
more modern video recorder just wont recognise the signal.

Time for a rethink I guess.

The A500 Plus that I used looks a little mellow, but as I have said
many times here, the fading case really is of no issue to me. Makes
her no less of a computer in my eyes. And she will not be having
the surface scratched clean. Not while she lives here. I have other
500/500 Plus machines that are less faded. Matters not really.

Finished the day playing Speedball.. set in 2095 no less. Can't wait.
Anyway the videos are crap but you should get the idea. 


The Gallery - LSD fully operational

RAW 6 plus Spaceballs [ nice ] - Speedball [ Brutal Deluxe ]

A590 Plus LSD

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Last updated 15th June 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2019