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ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2019

Entry 19th June 2019: Amiga Demo Disks

Amiga Demo Disks

Nothing heavy today as it took me quite a while to record this
little selection and even longer to upload them to the website.
What I did was literally open one of my disk drawers and pull out
a fist full of disks and play them on the A600. Early nineties
stuff though one did say only suitable for the A500. And true to
the label it played the first menu and then bombed out. Otherwise
they all worked, though some were truly very poor.

What I have done is record aspects of the disks that reflect
what was going on with demo disks at the time. I haven't recorded
the full disks as they do tend to be a little on the large side.
I did record the whole of the Rage disk but split it over three
small videos.

For my part I have to say that I wouldn't necessarily play this
lot and find it entertaining. I'm not in the business of just
praising something cus it is old. Far from it I found a lot of
the demo's pretty crap. But hey I can appreciate they have a
historical context. What I tend to sense is a lot of guys
getting smashed at the equivalent of an Amiga rave party but
probably in a very small room watching on an old fashioned TV.
I have no idea, having never been involved in the demo scene
of the day. Maybe someone can explain what these parties were
like. To say they were self indulgent is probably going some.

And so here is a random selection from a handful of demo disks.

One point of note is that I don't think Fred Fish was actually
at a demo party with his Schwartz animation. Basically cus the
animation didn't have any Pump up the Volume on the footage. Also
I got kinda bored in the end with the demo disks and grabbed my
Desert Strike disk to remind myself what music on the Amiga
sounded like. Sounds cruel .. but hey you weren't having to
listen to this stuff for the best part of the day. I am sure
that in the day they were perfectly acceptable, especially if
you were smashed out of your head and with a bunch of like
minded Amigans out for a good time.

And so without any further ado... some Amiga demo disks and as
to details on the recordings ... I know nothing, and I aint
about to play them again to find out. So roughly titled.

Also the 'left and right' playback on the recordings was doing my
head in. Can't say that worked out for the best. Probably need
to look into that before I do any more.


R A G E Part I - R A G E Part I

R A G E Part I - Binary Made in Croatia

Hysteria - Interference

Lemon - Badzoom

Monolith - Ventilator

Citar - More Lemon

Phucker - Fish

Desert Strike

Amiga Demo Disks

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Last updated 19th June 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2019