ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2023
Entry 2nd June 2023: Post 1: ZX81 - Learning Lab.
ZX81 - Learning Lab.
I first featured Learning Lab for the ZX81 back in 2017. The images
were pretty poor in the day and so when I came across the thick
manual today I decided to set matters right by taking some better
pictures. I've been threatening to do this for some while now but
just needed an excuse to open this very large box I have sitting
behind me in here, home of my JAM collection of magazines.
Learning Lab for the ZX81 is an easy to use instruction guide that
presumes no knowledge of the BASIC language by the user. It is
a relatively large manual which takes you through the initial setup
of the ZX81 and on to programming in BASIC and saving your results.
The manual is supported by a series of tapes with examples together
with a couple of blank tapes for your own use. It is very easy to
follow and most informative in the way it takes you through the
structure of BASIC chapter by chapter. Had it not been for the tape
storage section stuck to the fly I guess I may have referred to
this a little more.
Written by Trevor Toms of Sinclair Research Limited it dates from
1981 and so was there right at the birth of the machine. I would
certainly recommend any ZX81 collector or BASIC programmer for the
Sinclair getting hold of this large manual. It not only looks good
in the collection but is a good starting point if you are new to
the platform.
I took the opportunity of taking some better pics of the ZX81 I
featured back in the day. The aim being to upgrade the original
blog so I can refer to it in the future. Currently the images are
just so bad it makes the blog pretty unusable.
More on the ZX81 tomorrow as I celebrate 40 years this month as a
Sinclair user.
ZX81 - Learning Lab.
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Last updated 2nd June 2023
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